This story is changed before the fights with Sandman, and so the main movie fights are not until the very end and don't take very long to complete. However, when the Black Suit gets to be too much power for Peter, he takes it off and it bonds with Eddie Brock, creating Venom. Meanwhile, a new super villain, Sandman, is on the loose and it is up to Spider-Man to stop him. He tries to use his new powers the way he used to, but they take him over and so he must fight to control himself. The story is roughly the same as the film's Peter Parker/Spider-Man gets a black costume that makes him more powerful and aggressive. This aside, the swinging looks very cool, and is in the same sort of style as Ultimate Spider-Man, where he moves with the web. This means that if you are in a hurry for a mission, it will be helpful to zip around instead of swinging, because the swinging is slow and even the booster (which arrives at the end of your swing as you launch through the air) doesn't help much. Swinging around New York is as fun as ever, and the Web Zip is more powerful in this game than in the last game. And it's not as accurate as the New York in Spider-Man 2, which wasn't entirely accurate, although this one is still a major disappointment compared to the SM2 one. Also, if you climb a tall skyscraper, the materials on the buildings further away disappeared, unlike Spider-Man 2. It was not very busy, and there were near to no noises in the background. New York City is my first major complaint the city is supposed to be bigger, but it felt small and unwelcoming. It took me about 5 hours to complete the story, and the overall the game is quite good, but after Spider-Man 2 (and, in particular, Ultimate Spider-Man) I was hoping for better. At first, it seemed a little dull and boring, but as the game progressed I got more interested in the game and so I kept playing.

I recently rented this game for the PlayStation 2, because it was around $70 and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to buy it.